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Christ The King Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone
Pre-School & Primary 1 Admissions portal is now open Is your child starting Nursery or Year 1 in September 2025? Parents can make an online application via EA Connect from 12 noon on Friday 10th January 2025.  Deadline Friday 24th January 2025 at 12 noon. [Open Image]
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Learning Support


Care is taken at all times to match the curricular provision for all pupils to their particular stage of development and to take account of any difficulties or special talents which may emerge, the new Code of Practice for pupils with Special Educational Needs is being fully implemented throughout the school.

If a pupil is identified by their class teacher as having a particular need advice will be sought from Mrs M Quinn, the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) parents will be informed and an individual education plan will be drawn up to ensure that the needs of the child are fully met. 

When necessary the SENCO will seek advice and support from the W.E.L.B who will then provide additional help and resources to fully meet the needs of the child. At all times parents will be kept fully informed and given support and advice on how to best help their children at home.


We are delighted to have the “Heart” nurturing room within our school, dedicated in the memory of former BOG member Henry McKinney. Mrs Sharkey is our full time Nurturing Teacher. 



Learning Support is looked after by Mrs Nuala McKinney