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Christ The King Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone


2013/2014 School Year

27th Sep 2013
Pupils and staff at Christ the King are celebrating becoming the first school in...
26th Sep 2013
The Water Bus visited school on Thursday 26 th  September.  The pupils...

2012/2013 School Year

31st May 2013
As part of our learning in Numeracy, Primary 6 pupils participated in a Paired Numeracy...
28th May 2013
Congratulations to all Primary 6 pupils for taking part in the Young Enterprise...
21st May 2013
On Tuesday 21 st  May, Primary 6 boys participated in a STEM day organised...
18th May 2013
The entire community of Christ the King Primary School came together on Saturday...
10th May 2013
Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7 children enjoyed a real treat in school this week when we...
8th May 2013
Primary 5 boys and girls had a fantastic time taking part in the 'Mobile Me' Generations...
17th Apr 2013
On Wednesday 17 th April Primary 2 and Primary 3 pupils participated in the third...
10th Apr 2013
On Wednesday 10th April 2013, Primary 7 were invited to participate in a cross-border,...