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Christ The King Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone


2022/2023 School Year

9th Jun 2023
A little throw back to one of the highlights from our Sports Day on Monday. We had...
5th Jun 2023
What a delicious treat we all enjoyed this afternoon with a lovely visit from the...
5th Jun 2023
Today the boys and girls took part in our annual Sports Day and what a glorious day...
5th Jun 2023
We found a bug in our playground and we decided to have a closer look using our Digital...
5th Jun 2023
We enjoyed learning all about our topic of Marvellous Minibeasts. We found out lots...
2nd Jun 2023
EA are preparing to launch their Free School Meals scheme for the new school year...
19th May 2023
A BIG Well Done to our CTK Football Team who took part today in the 2023 Mc Donald's...
17th May 2023
What a fun visit Year 1 had this morning to Omagh Fire Station. We had a grand tour...
14th May 2023
Christ the King PS would like to congratulate Strathroy Harps on winning the Mulhern...
12th May 2023
May is the month of Our Lady. Year 4 treated us all to an amazing Assembly based...