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Christ The King Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone


2020/2021 School Year

9th Feb 2021
Today we celebrate Safer Internet Day at Christ the King PS. All pupils from Year...
5th Feb 2021
We have been looking after our body's and mind's this week in Year 1 as we celebrate...
5th Feb 2021
Another great week's work completed by Year 1. A big thank you to the boys and girls...
29th Jan 2021
In Year 1 the boys and girls completed great work for Catholic Schools Week. They...
29th Jan 2021
Year 1 have completed another great weeks work remotely across all areas of the...
22nd Jan 2021
Year 1 have worked so hard this week and completed lots of wonderful work across...
19th Jan 2021
Catholic Schools Week will be celebrated 24th-30th January. The theme this year...
18th Jan 2021
Bishop Donal McKeown will celebrate Mass to launch Catholic Schools Week on Thursday...
18th Jan 2021
Check out these Self-Care steps you can do in your day in order to help make your...
15th Jan 2021
Our new topic this month is My World in Winter and Polar Lands. We focused on Penguins...