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Christ The King Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone


2016/2017 School Year

18th Nov 2016
We adopted the motto 'Be Bright, be seen' on Friday 18th November for Ditch the...

2015/2016 School Year

16th Mar 2016
Primary 6 and 7 pupils attended the Strule Art's Centre on Tuesday 15th March to...
11th Mar 2016
Pupils from Christ the King Primary School enjoyed a visit from our local Sustrans...
8th Mar 2016
Primary 7 continued their preparation for Confirmation this afternoon by taking...
7th Mar 2016
Primary 6 and 7 were treated to a Road Safety Workshop this morning from the BEAM...
25th Feb 2016
A big congratulations and thanks to Poppy and Aleu from Primary 6 who represented...
2nd Dec 2015
On Tuesday 1st December we were lucky to have Firefighters Eoin and Damian come...
25th Nov 2015
Every Tuesday we are very lucky to have Aimee from UUJ coming in to our school to...
20th Nov 2015
On Friday 20th November we had a "Be Safe Be Seen" day where we were encouraged...
18th Nov 2015
During this term, Primary 6 enjoyed learning about Saving Energy as their class...