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Christ The King Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone


2013/2014 School Year

8th Apr 2014
On Wednesday 8th April, Primary 6 pupils went to visit Armagh Planetarium. It...
8th Apr 2014
Primary 4 and 5 enjoyed to a real treat today when they went to the Patrician Hall,...
4th Apr 2014
Congratualtion to our FilmClub 'Best Online Review' winners Emma and Weronika. Both...
1st Apr 2014
It was with great excitement today that we were informed that our school's website...
26th Mar 2014
Primary 7 pupils Eoin, Matthew, Shauna, Jamie, Weronika and Ola today visited Drumragh...
25th Mar 2014
Local team Strathroy Harps visited the school today to meet some of their many fans...
21st Mar 2014
Primary 7 pupils were engaged in a very competitive case in internation competition...
15th Mar 2014
Primary 3 pupils and parents were celebrating completing the Reading Partnership...
13th Mar 2014
The pupils of Christ the King Primary School came together today to mark the feast...
7th Mar 2014
Staff and children received a very special treat today in school when one very generous...